A woman depends on the videos she makes for the social media and the quantity of her followers. One day, she is invited to help finish the writing of a screenplay which makes her travel to a remote, isolated place where Tom lives. A profound and original reflection on privacy and modern times in a thriller that casts a rather disturbing and fresh and original look at a very current issue. First fiction feature by this American director.
A woman depends on the videos she makes for the social media and the quantity of her followers. One day, she is invited ... 显示全部
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- 【电影天堂】网友评价
★★★★☆ 《关注她》是一部引人深思的伦理电影,剧情紧凑,演员表现出色,导演对细节的把控也非常到位。虽然影片中的情节有些让人不适,但正是这种不适让观众更加深入地思考了影片所要表达的主题。
- 【芒果TV】网友评价
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